Monday, 16 February 2015

Life Saver

I had a thought the other night when I was looking through old photos of the allotment and getting that urge of growing things again... I never discussed a time saver I discovered a very good piece of software... it was from GrowVeg

It was very handy indeed as it will map out your plot areas and gives you reminders when to plant certain things out and at what time.... below is a link to the page for more details... note... If you buy this product I will get a small fee, this will just help me maybe buy a new spade one day ;)

Take the free trial, I did and I used it since day 1 of my allotment days

Catch you all soon


Saturday, 7 February 2015

Long Time... No See

Hi guys,

Well it's been a while and no updates from me... I’m sorry for that and I promise I will keep posting more regularly. However much has changed in the last year. I have a son who will be one later on in this month. My wife and I can’t believe how quick it has gone! Also as some of you may know I gave up the allotment to spend some quality time with Ted.

I may have given up the allotment but I didn’t give up on gardening all together. I created three new raised beds in the back garden... not much went into them last year but this year will be different as I want to get Ted into gardening from a young age. So with my three raised beds a boarder or two and my greenhouse I am sure I will have enough to keep him entertained.

We had some eventful times with Ted in the last year due to an allergy his got, his allergic to milk protein; you can read more about his situation on my wife’s blog

This is only a quick hello and notification that I shall be uploading more posts etc with the idea that I will explore my trials and achievements with trying to show a toddler how to grow his own food!!

At the moment we are re-fitting our kitchen and our old one is in the garden waiting to be taken down the tip!

See you soon
