Saturday, 1 September 2012

My First Ever Blog!

Hi, I don't know where to really start... I haven't done anything like this before. I guess the best place to start is to say abit about me. My name is Stuart 25 years old and I have a half plot allotment in Leominster Herefordshire, I do it with my wife Lauren. We got the plot in late April 2012. We are totally new to growing our own. I grew up in Birmingham and no one in my family knew anything about growing there veg. So we were total newbies. When I put myself on the waiting list I got started with reading as much as I could! I have a whole shelf full of books on the topic. I read alot of blogs also so I thought to myself keeping a blog is a good way of keeping a diary on what we have done week to week (and sharing with everyone who is interested). I would really appriciate any advice any of you could give us.

The best place to start is at the beginning with what we acquired. It wasn't too bad, plenty of weeds but a few gems. We got four different types of soft fruit bushes, two crowns of Rhubarb (has given at least 30 sticks in spring) and most importantly a shed!

 One half of the plot when we first got it. (we did a bit of work already)
When we were taken to the plot for the first time... I liked the soft fruit bushes at the back and the shed of course!

After a bit of a dig and trying to get as many weeds out as possible we set down to start planting. I know many books says don't rush into planting. I wish I stuck by it but we planted some garlics, beetroots, carrots and a few spuds... in a very tight space and you guessed it, it got very crowded espically when the horse radish started to produce shoots! We didn't know the last person there planted it. Our garlic was pushed a side and we only managed to have a very small harvest of five!

Well after a week or so of digging and chatting to other plot holders we got one half of the plot dug over and tried to pick out as many weed roots as possible. The first thing we got was some brassicas. I didn't have any netting at this point so I think the birds had a little nibble or two. My wife Lauren loves runner beans, so at this point I started getting some plants started off in pots at home. I say we planted about 25 runner bean plants.  

Runner bean plant starting to climb! Leeks in background

We got and still getting a great crop from these runner bean plants. Our freezer is full of them. Lauren will be happy for the winter. As I said earlier I am totally new to growing my own but what fun I am having. I think it is funny how this summer has been awful and so many people at the allotment are saying what a bad year it is. All I know is that I am getting fresh produce each week, first it was rhubarb, soft fruits and now runner beans, I can't wait for next year when hopefully the weather improves and I will get an even better crops. 
Not only have I been growing runner beans, but I have just pulled up my onions to dry, and a couple of leeks, which Lauren's Uncle kindly donated to us in the spring. I have got two cougette plants, which I have taken about 10 so far. I have just ordered some over-winter onions, broad beans, peas and shallots, so hopefully I should get some good harvests in the spring.
 One of my first harvests

Well I don't want to write an essay for you guys or else you will get bored. I am going to update often hopefully, all depends if I have something to say I guess. Any feedback would be great. I shall be setting up a twitter page also if anyone wants to follow me... All I can say is see you guys later.

If you want to follow me on Twitter @adventuresallot

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