Sunday, 3 February 2013

My first constuction project

Hi everyone, well I decided to buy some scaffolding boards and I wanted to make four main beds and two raised beds at the back of the plot. So last week I recruited the father-in laws help with driving the Transit van and we traveled an hour and a half to pick up the boards. When we got there we saw a French flag flying proud. The chap who was selling the boards to me was a Scouser, so not the typical French man. So when we loaded the boards on the van we had to ask "why the flag?" It wasn't much, he was only in the French Foreign Legion for five years! A man you want to be with in a pub!

Anyway back to the plot we went... First of all the gate was broken so we couldn't get in the site! So I had to jump the gate and the father in law passed the boards through the fence near the plot. We only had 36 of them! We had 16 3mtr boards and the rest was 6ft boards. So after stacking them all on the plot I had no energy to start so I decided to leave it till yesterday.

The plan was to have the main beds 4.5mtrs x 4.5mtrs. Lauren started to measure and it would take a full 3mtr and I had to cut some off a 6mtr board so we would have a lot of off cuts. So we decided instead to construct the beds 4.5mtrs x 3mtrs.

The first bed constructed

As you can see from the pic I constructed the first bed, with this bed I used a hammer and nails, what a mistake! It took me ages! So the wife went to her Dad to get a drill for me! Life saver! Its not a perfect bed but it does what it says on the tin. Eventually this will be filled with organic matter but I'm not overly concerned about that at this stage. This will be done through the years.

This is my sawing bench!
So with the aid of a power drill it made the process a lot easier!

The second bed was constructed. As you might see in the pic, you can see quite a mistake. Look at the gate... is there anything wrong? haha now it can not shut fully! So when I'm at the plot next I'm going to switch the hinges so it opens outwards.

So after most of the day I got the four main beds constructed! As we had to change our plans I have a lot of space still for other beds. So what I am going to do on Thursday (my next day off) I am going to see how much timber I have left and I will construct as many raised beds as possible. I say I used only half the plot for my main beds so hopefully I can construct around 6 raised beds in the available area.

All in all I had a good day, I made the plot my own and I have added structure to the place, this enables crop rotation to be easier, weeding will become easier as I will see separate areas to weed instead of a whole plot.

On another note my rhubarb is starting to make an appearance :)

Spring is almost upon us! I can't wait for the long evenings and the warm sun... and wearing shorts!!!

I hope you enjoyed reading this....

Twitter @adventuresallot

1 comment:

  1. Spring is so near and we do not know what to do here at Watford’s Farm Terrace Allotments. We can not plan for our crop and for the seeds and the time is running out so fast.
    This has been the situation since 2007, but this year it is going to final conclusion it appears. Lib Dems and Tory’s are pushing ahead with this land grab attempt as the next election is getting closer which may remove them from power. It seems they are really in hurry to fill their pockets as much as they can before going.
    It all began when the NHS owned Watford General Hospital wanted to build a health centre in its own land (in the parking and some adjacent parts belonging to hospital). A contractor was selected and the plans were set.
    Everybody was happy and things looked bright for all of us.
    Until the private contracting company demanded that the nearby allotments be given to them so they can make money on them by building private luxury apartments and a hotel on the site of the allotments. Nobody knows for sure who were behind this change of tone. Some may say it was the brain child of the private, financial interests in the Lib Dem-controlled Watford council. The area is on the northern slopes of the River Colne valley with a good sunward view and the contractor and their council backhanders can make lots of money if they take over the allotments before the next election.
    Farm Terrace Allotments are 116 years old. You can see this in the style of the plots in Bing Map’s view which is much better than Google map in this respect. Even you can identify our type of crops in Bing map. They are a heritage site. Watford has lost many of its heritage in the past by the short sighted councils in 1950′s and 1970′s.
    We thought you as an influential person, being a kind of celebrity allotmenteer, may be able to help our voice be heard.
    It appears builders are much after the land in and around London (in satellite towns like Watford and Guildford). We all can be affected in future by what is happening now in Watford.Lib Dem-controlled Watford council in Hertfordshire wants to allow construction companies take over the Farm Terrace Allotments to build commercial buildings and flats on the site. The Tory MP of Watford also has put all his weight behind this, calling himself “possessed man” :

    This can put a precedent to build over more allotment sites all over the country where greedy developers are after to profits from the lands within the towns.
    Will you please support our effort to save the Farm Terrace Allotments?

    We are organising an event this Sunday February 10th, 10-12:30.
    It is an opportunity to share some sausages, see our wonderful green space, be part of our community, hear about our campaign to save this community from being concreted over by greedy builders and Watford Borough Council.

    Address: Farm Terrace Allotments, behind Watford Football Club (via foot on Occupation Road, Near Red Lion pub), cars via Cardiff Road.
    Our Email:


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